28 January 2020

10 tips for community led development

Inspiring Communities focus on community-led development in New Zealand - their top 10 tips for working on locally led change are:

  1. Start from where you are and be clear on your purpose.
  2. Have lots of conversations, ask powerful questions, and actively build trust and relationships.
  3. Focus on community priorities and timelines.
  4. Identify assets, strengths and what the community does well already.
  5. Look for ‘bright spots’: go where the energy is and invest in people and their passions.
  6. Aspire to build community through all that you do: start small and achievable, knowing one thing frequently leads to another.
  7. Do things with others: collaboration brings new ideas, resources, and energy for future possibilities.
  8. Create something visible: seeing is believing and generates energy, excitement and momentum.
  9. Anticipate mess, paradoxes and uncertainty. This is normal!
  10. Be creative, have fun and strive for results. Help grow a local culture of learning, reflection and celebration.

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