12 August 2020
The findings of the recent survey of Aotearoa New Zealand’s tangata whenua, community and voluntary sector have been released. The survey explored the impact of COVID-19 on the sector and was completed in May and June 2020.
The research is a partnership between the Centre for Social Impact, Hui E! Community Aotearoa, Philanthropy New Zealand, and Volunteering New Zealand.
The results are available on the Hui E! website here. You can see a webinar where the results are discussed or download various documents including:
The partnership will now be encouraging discussion and debate around next steps. They will be discussing the report findings within their networks, making recommendations for action and working with key influencers to achieve positive change.
If you want to be involved with this collective effort to drive change for the tangata whenua, community and voluntary sector, please contact admin@huie.org.nz.