23 October 2018
How are community organisations faring in 2018?
The ComVoices biennial survey on the state of the community and voluntary sector in New Zealand is now open. First run in 2014 and then again in 2016, the survey has become a key source of information about the wellbeing of community organisations working across a broad range of community issues and interests.
ComVoices is dependent on the sector providing the data and encourages community organisations of all shapes and sizes to complete the survey. Add your voice to the Survey, which can be found at this link - https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/ComVoices2018. The survey should take 10 – 13 minutes to complete and closes at 5pm on the 19 November 2018.
The 2018 ‘State of the Sector’ report, due to be published early 2019, will include comparative data from earlier surveys and a commentary on current issues and trends facing the sector.